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ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, news, Series Six
Mostafa (Moz) Azimitabar – ChangeMaker Chats
Australia locks up asylum seekers if they attempt to get here by boat. But the refugees that have been subject to indefinite detention on Manus Island and in Australian hotels […]
The Art of Politics: reflections on the Australian Labor Party, Refugees and Climate Change
Examining the tough relationships between mainstream progressive parties and movements in Australia, host Amanda Tattersall looks back at her own experience. She tells the story of the 2001-2004 refugee movement’s […]
Stopping the Twitter Trolls
Four years ago on Invasion Day 2018 Tarneen Onus-Williams was relentlessly and violently trolled on Twitter for a speech she gave at a protest. Social media abuse tries to shut […]
Episodes, Hong Kong Stories, news, Season Five Stories
The Long Story of the Hong Kong Protests
The Hong Kong 2019 protests were some of the largest protests ever seen in the world, and they didn’t come from nowhere. This episode explains some of the history behind […]
Addiction, drugs and the quest for Fair Treatment
The war on drugs has been a failed battle for decades. But what could we be doing differently? And what is a church doing running a facility where illegal drugs […]
Episodes, news, Season Five Stories
Christmas Spirit = Compassion for Refugees
No matter what your beliefs, the moral of the Bethlehem story is that when people are in need they need compassion. While Australia’s refugee policies have infrequently followed this, Australian […]
Scaling Change – Amanda Tattersall on making change big and small
How can we hold together big ambition for social change on issues like climate alongside the small work required to build powerful connections across our diversity and difference? This piece […]
Episodes, news, Season Five Stories, Stories
The Best Climate Campaign You Have Never Heard Of
Could there be a single lever in the global marketplace that could transform the stakes for climate change? Yes – the insurance industry. Over the past 5 years insurance has […]
Episodes, news, Season Five Stories
Climate Justice, Coalitions and Glasgow – ChangeMakers Podcast
If Glasgow tells us anything – the people of the world will need to keep coming together if the politicians of the world are to ever stop climate change. But […]
ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, news
ChangeMaker Chat – Meena Palaniappan – Digital ChangeMaking
Across her career Meena has led large-scale technological changemaking networks in the Global South. She has developed the resources that have allowed communities to work with each other to respond […]
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