ChangeMaker Chats
Information about our different interviews with ChangeMakers, what we call ChangeMaker Chats. These are ad hoc interviews with a single change maker that allow us to explore what kind of change they make, why they make it and how they go about it.
ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, Series Six
Nick Haines – ChangeMaker Chats – Independents and Elections
The 2022 Australian Election is all about the Independent ‘Teal’ Candidates – but where did this Independent movement come from? Today we talk with Nick Haines, Voices for Indi activist, […]
ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, news, Series Six
ChangeMaker Chat – Joshua Ross – Venture Philanthropy and money for good
What would it take for the goodies of the world to have a growing, exponential set of resources to finance how we make change? Josh Ross explores the idea of […]
ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, Series Six
Wenn Lawson – ChangeMaker Chat
The Disability Movement famously argues ‘nothing about us without us.’ Wenn Lawson lives this creed as a world leading autistic advocate and researcher who has helped change how we understand […]
ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, news, Series Six
Mostafa (Moz) Azimitabar – ChangeMaker Chats
Australia locks up asylum seekers if they attempt to get here by boat. But the refugees that have been subject to indefinite detention on Manus Island and in Australian hotels […]
ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, news
ChangeMaker Chat – Meena Palaniappan – Digital ChangeMaking
Across her career Meena has led large-scale technological changemaking networks in the Global South. She has developed the resources that have allowed communities to work with each other to respond […]
ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, news
Jane McAlevey – ChangeMaker Chats
Jane McAlevey is a fierce advocate for winning social change through organising. Her organising method, grounded in decades of experience, mentorship and the battles of many movements across US history, […]
ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, news
Sam Rye – ChangeMaker Chat
This week we explore what it would take to build a movement for nature. Sam Rye is a manager at the Conservation Volunteers Australia. He has been involved in a […]
ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, news
Ernie Cortes – ChangeMaker Chat
We talk to one of the biggest names in US community organising, Ernie Cortes. We chat about the history of organising, exploring how it has changed and how it has […]
ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, news
ICYMI – Hahrie Han – ChangeMaker Chat
In 2018 we interviewed Hahrie Han one of the United State’s prominent researchers on community organising, community leadership and social change. This episode explores her research on civic engagement and […]
ChangeMaker Chats, Episodes, news
Ed Miliband – ChangeMaker Chat
When can political parties be real change makers and produce big change? Ed Miliband, former Opposition Leader for the UK Labour Party shares some of the lesser known stories that […]
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