Author: Amanda Tattersall
How decades of fast food worker organising lead to “The Fight for 15”
By Keith Kelleher, Founder and Former President of SEIU (Service Employees International Union) Healthcare Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Kansas. The First Spark “…On Thursday, May 28, 1981, at or about […]
Episode One – Out Now!
We are very excited to release Episode One of our new Series the ChangeMakers. You can download this episode from Podcast One in Australia or from Itunes here. The first […]
What does it take for everyday people to shift an election?
We traveled to Launceston Tasmania to learn how GetUp worked with locals here to shift the last Australian Federal Election in 2016. There have been many accusations about how GetUp […]
“Tactics for Mobilisers”: Amanda Tattersall reviews the book “Rules for Revolutionaries”
You have probably heard of Rules for Radicals, an old but still living set of strategies designed for changing the world, written by the grandfather of community organising – Saul […]
Breaking bad laws is how good laws get made
By Amanda Tattersall The new head of the Australian Union Movement, Sally McManus, came under a fair bit of flak last week after she declared on her first day in […]
Research Internship – Changemakers
Are you passionate about social change? Do you like the idea of writing up non-fiction stories and want to be better at it? Do you like journalistic research and want […]
What is ChangeMakers?
There are 140 million people across the globe engaged in volunteer work or working for non-profits. These are the Change Makers. The Change Makers podcast is a weekly, 30 min […]
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