Month: August 2020

  • Maurice Mitchell Change Maker Chat

    ChangeMakers Podcast · Maurice Mitchell ChangeMaker Chat The Movement for Black Lives is realigning political life in the US in 2020. Maurice Mitchell has been a leader in this movement […]

  • Craig Reucassel Change Maker Chat

    Have you been enjoying Fight for Planet A: Our Climate Challenge – the show all about climate change? Then come and hear our ChangeMaker Chat with host Craig Reucassel where […]

  • So, what is Community Organising?

    This week ChangeMakers is launching the second season of our weekly organising broadcast – ChangeMakers Organising School. We thought this would be as good a time as any to step […]

  • Hong Kongers in Crisis

    Every week the news coming out of Hong Kong is a little more alarming. It’s never quite as evocative as ‘tanks running through Tiananmen Square’. But every time, it represents […]

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