World first narrative podcast series on Hong Kong – releases Tues 4 Sept

So how did these protests come about? And how are peaceful older Hong Kongers and their feisty younger compatriots managing to support each other and stay united? This ChangeMaker Series of Three Hong Kong Podcasts takes us back 30 years to Tiananmen, 5 years to the Umbrella movement and across the protest movement today. Lessons, skills and mistakes learnt across history are identified – from the voices of those on the streets – providing insights as to how this battle might end.

ChangeMakers Podcast is the “This American Life of social change.” In our third series we have produced the world’s first narrative podcast on the Hong Kong story – one of the most dynamic fights on the planet.
Amanda Tattersall our host was in Hong Kong in July. She conducted 25 interviews with democracy leaders ranging in age from 15 to 74. She remains in contact with these protesters. Amanda herself is a 20 year veteran community organiser and social change researcher. This gives her a distinct skills to interpret what is going on and build trust with those staging this fight.
So get ready. You’ve seen the television coverage – now you can go behind the scenes to build a much broader understanding about what is going on in Hong Kong.
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