Tina Rothery – ChangeMaker Chat – Nanas against Fracking

You can listen to this episode on ACAST here or on the player below, or by searching for “ChangeMakers Podcast” on any of the usual podcast apps (Spotify, Apple, Stitcher), just look for our Orange Square!
The UK’s Nanas against Fracking are a grassroots movement that spread across regional UK communities to stop gas fracking. The movement was led by a legion of women who had never, or only at a distance, been involved in making change, but felt compelled to act when they found out about the catastrophic effects of fracking on the environment and community. Tina and the Nanas were a magnificent example of people seeking and achieving ordinary hope – showing the kind of community power that lies in all of us.
This episode is a ChangeMakers #UKSpecial.
Nanas against Fracking takes some inspiration from their sisters in the Knitting Nanna movement that formed in Australia! We have an episode on gas extraction in the Northern Rivers that features these Nannas and you can find it here on ACAST or here on our website.
ChangeMakers 2024 is supported by the Civic Power Fund and work with the UCL Policy Lab. This year they are supporting ChangeMakers to bring together a collection of Chats filled with extraordinary ideas and everyday experience to understand how we can change the world, www.ucl.ac.uk/policy-lab/ucl-policy-lab and www.civicpower.org.uk.
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