Series 2 – Our first five episodes with links to download
Episode 1: Brooklyn 99
What can we learn when a Hollywood TV show gets into ChangeMaking? Comedy show Brooklyn 99 took on police racism. How did they do it in a way that people didn’t turn off? Listen to the episode on Podcast One, Stitcher or Apple iTunes (or click the episode link to stream here).

Episode 2: Umbrella Movement
In 2014 Hong Kong hundreds of thousands of citizens staged a mass street occupation demanding the vote. Why did it happen? And what led to tensions building inside the movement overtime? Or listen to the episode on Podcast One, Stitcher or Apple iTunes. Or click the episode link to stream here.
Episode 3: Indivisible
This is the origin story of the largest anti-Trump organisation in America and how it built a mass based local movement to save affordable healthcare. Listen to the episode on Podcast One, Stitcher or Apple iTunes. Or click the episode link to stream here.
Episode 4: Reclaim the City
In Cape Town, apartheid pushed black residents to the edge of the city. Reclaim the city is a movement pushing back, desegregating the city through strategic long term occupations.
Listen to the episode on Podcast One, Stitcher or Apple iTunes. Or click the episode link to stream here.

Episode 5: Marriage Equality
The road to marriage equality in Australia was filled with dirty tricks and homophobia. How did the LGBTI community build a movement strong enough to overcome it all? Listen to the episode on Podcast One, Stitcher or Apple iTunes. Or click the episode link to stream here.
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