Sami Shah – ChangeMaker Chat – News Satire

Can comedy make a difference?

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Can you make a difference by being funny? In this episode news satirist and stand up comedian Sami Shah takes us through the art of political satire and the journey that got him there.

Sami grew up in Pakistan, studied in the United States and became a fully fledged journalist – and comedian in his home country before traveling to Australia. He moved to Australia in 2012 living in Western Australia and almost killing a kangaroo before becoming a leading stand up comedian as well as a powerful voice for a more diverse comedy, journalistic and artistic community.

In this episode we talk about political satire’s power to challenge us and help us see things differently, but also its limits in directly shifting actual events. He talks us through his method for News Satire on his podcast News Weakly, as well as what he has learnt about the power of making jokes about the taboo – including what is happening in Gaza and Israel.

You can listening to Sami’s News Weakly podcast, also hosted on ACAST here:

And find more about his books and activities here:

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