Mona Bani – ChangeMaker Chat – Revoke

UK Special: Organisations for refugees designed by refugees
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Mona grew up as a child of refugees fleeing political persecution. Now as an adult in the UK, she has created a new kind of organisation – Revoke – to support people seeking refuge and asylum that builds on her own experience.
In this episode of ChangeMakers she tells us about her journey, about the political activism of her parents in Iran, and their work in Denmark as part of a broader refugee community. Mona shares how the connections and networks that nurtured them, alongside other experiences in her own journey, have inspired her to build a compassionate, political and connected organisation.
To find out more about Revoke, visit their website here. To learn more about Mona visit her website here.
You can find Revoke on instagram @revokecic.
This episode is part of our #UKSpecials series, which is sponsored by the Civic Power Fund and work with the UCL Policy Lab. They bring together extraordinary ideas and everyday experience to understand how we can change the world, Check them out at and
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