Matthew McGregor – ChangeMaker Chat – Post-election strategy

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How do elections and new governments change how we make change?
In the wake of the election of a new Labour Government in the UK, we talk with Matthew McGregor from 38 Degrees about what the new government might mean for progressive political strategy. We explore Matthew’s background and his time working with unions and the Obama campaign to learn more about 38 Degrees and its digital first strategy for engaging thousands of everyday UK citizens in political life.
We explore the tensions and challenges that come from pushing for change when social democratic governments are in power and the need to agitate for more as well as celebrate the change we can win. We explore how the focus of progressive campaigning shifts from stopping the outrages to offering solutions and some of the nuances in navigating that work – straddling disappointment and delivery, and when and how to press for greater ambition.
For anyone chewing over what the UK election means (or what elections mean generally for political strategy) – this is a chat to get you thinking about some of the choices that lie ahead.
For more on 38 Degrees go HERE.
You can download this episode via the ACAST app HERE, or find us on all the podcast apps – just search “ChangeMakers Podcast” and look for the orange square!
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