Jarrod Wheatley – ChangeMaker Chats – Relational Care

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Our governments play a role in providing care and support to families and kids – but we don’t often think about how those services are provided and whether they actually deliver sufficient ‘care.’ In this conversations Jarrod Wheatley explores his experience in working in the out-of-home care space, and unpacks a distinct model of care that is based explicitly on relationships and connection.
For anyone who has personally, or knows of people that have experienced institutionalised forms of care – whether in aged services or child services – this is for you. It is a story of a different kind of care that could transform how our governments fund and support care in and across communities.
For more on Jarrod’s work:
The organisation Jarrod created to promote this different kind of care:
- Centre for Relational Care website: Centre for Relational Care
The report outlining what this different model of care might look like:
- James Martin Institute for Public Policy report August 2024: JMI report on Supporting Children and Families to Flourish (centreforrelationalcare.org.au)
A short piece about the relational approach to care: The Policymaker article by Jarrod Wheatley December 2023 Children in crisis need real relationships: the case for a child connection system (jmi.org.au)
Additional materials on the state of care:
- Australian Child Maltreatment Study 2023: The Australian Child Maltreatment Study (ACMS)
- NSW Ombudsman report July 2024: Protecting children at risk: an assessment of whether the Department of Communities and Justice is meeting its core responsibilities – NSW Ombudsman
- NSW Audit Office report June 2024: Oversight of the child protection system | Audit Office of New South Wales (nsw.gov.au)
- Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People Special Inquiry final report August 2024: ACYP | Special Inquiry (nsw.gov.au)
Professional Individualised Care website: https://pic.care/
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