Jacinta Dietrich – ChangeMaker Chat – Differently Brained
We are all different – but some of these differences are hard to see. That includes differences based on our neurodiversity or our mental health. This conversation is with Jacinta Dietrich the co-host of the Differently Brained podcast. She is autistic and has lived with the challenges of mental health. She co-created a podcast to make a space for people to share how they live differently.
Jacinta shares openly about her neurodivergence and the community she has created. We also have a lovely chat about changemaking – and the power that “small” change, like one to one conversations can bring to changing the world.
You can find out more about the Differently Brained podcast here: https://differentlybrainedpodcast.podbean.com/, where there are links to episodes. The podcast can be found on all the podcast apps.

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