Alex Cassie – ChangeMaker Chat – Just Transition

One of the biggest hurdles to powerful climate action is changing our economy so it is no longer reliant on fossil fuels. Too often plans hatched by experts or environmentalists far removed from coal mining communities fail, because they are unable to bring affected communities and workers with them.
This episode comes from Collie Western Australia and talks about how the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union worked with other unions, community groups and political leaders to plan for the closure of their coal mines and the creation of new industries and jobs for their town. In this episode Alex Cassie explains how she supported local workers to write this plan and turn it into state government action. The transition was years in the making and it is still ongoing, but in this story are lessons for every fossil fuel community. The story is also a powerful reminder for people worried about climate change that workers in fossil fuel industries can make powerful allies in the battle to end our reliance on coal.
You can download this episode on Apple, Spotify, LiSTNR, Stitcher, and all your other favourite podcast apps.
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